La Foux d'Allos in short
Height: 1800 metres
Easy to reach from Nice
Snow is reasonably guaranteed
Very sunny
The ski resort of La Foux-d'Allos is a little known resort in the Southern Alps, despite the fact that people have been skiing here since 1937. It is a small, modern and friendly village. You know you're in the Southern Alps - the sun shines 300 days a year. Nevertheless, La Foux-d'Allos guarantees good snow far into the Spring. The surrounding area consists of several old and charming villages with an unmistakably French character that give the area a pleasant feeling and make this a great place for a ski holiday with the whole family.
Weather in La Foux d'Allos
Overcast with steady rainfall
Frost line
1950 metresRain
31 mmTomorrow
Heavy showers with occasional sunshine