On the slopes, you might come across some drinks known only to winter sports enthusiasts. If you ordered a Willy mit Birne or Lumumba in the UK, they often wouldn't know what you were talking about. On the slopes, on the other hand, these drinks are frequently served. From hot drinks with a dash of alcohol to warm you up to oversweet shots that quickly get you into the après-ski mood. Every winter sportsperson has his/her favourite, and every bar serves its own variety. These are the 10 drinks that only winter sports enthusiasts know about. Which one is your favourite?
1. Willy mit Birne
Schnaps is known to a wide audience and comes in many varieties and flavours. Whether you like it or not, it is simply part of winter sports. What is certain is that it contains an awful lot of alcohol! Willy mit Birne consists of pear schnapps and a cocktail stick with a piece of pear.

2. Flying Hirsch/Jägerbomb
There are various names for the combination of Red Bull and Jägermeister. The drink is available ready-made, or you have to drop a shot glass or a mini bottle of Jägermeister into a glass of energy drink. Sometimes you can witness scenes with dozens of glasses and shots prepared on the bar. That alone makes it a top drink for après-ski!

3. Jägertee
Fancy something warm? In the mountains, they regularly drink tea, but of course, not without a dash of alcohol. Tea with a splash of Obstschnaps and/or rum is known in the Alpine countries as Jägertee. Over the years, variants have developed, and the drink is served differently from bar to bar.
4. Lumumba
During freezing and cold days, a cup of Heiße Schoko mit Sahne is just what you need to warm up. Hot chocolate with whipped cream is often served on the slopes. If the drink is supplemented with a generous amount of rum, it is known as a Lumumba.

5. Skiwasser
After all the alcohol and sweating while skiing, it is essential to replenish your fluids properly. If you are very thirsty, you can order half a litre of skiwasser. Officially it is a mix of lemon juice, raspberry syrup and mineral water, although the bars often serve it with their own twists.

6. B-52
This is another one - a shot they only know in the Alpine countries. Shots and après-ski are inseparable. The B-52 is made of 3 layers (Kahlua, Baileys and Cointreau) and then lit at the bar.
7. Schümli Pflümli
In Switzerland, the Schümli Pflümli is an excellent pick-me-up during cold days. It looks like a delicious hot coffee with cream, but this drink is also - how could it be otherwise - prepared with a splash of alcohol. The ingredients are plum schnapps, coffee, sugar and whipped cream. It will definitely make you hot!
8. Almdudler
Almdudler is very popular with winter sports enthusiasts and ends up in most people's shopping baskets to take back home after a skiing holiday. It is a spicy Alpine lemonade that got its name from the term Alm Dudeln, which means yodelling in the mountain.

9. Feigling
Feigling is a fig liqueur made from vodka. It comes in a small bottle and is drank in one go. The logo with the Kleiner Feigling eyes is famous among the winter sports crowd. Beware, however, of too many of those bottles. Hello, wobbly legs!
10. Bombardino/Heiße Oma
A big favourite among many winter sports enthusiasts. Bombardino is a warm Italian winter cocktail with egg liqueur. Other ingredients include coffee and rum or brandy. All this together forms a high-calorie drink that comes in like a bomb! Heiße Oma is the German name for this warm yellow drink.