Happy Mother's Day! Today is all about Mum, and showing our gratitude for all the things she's done for us over the years and all the stuff she's put up with. There's a good chance your mother took you on your first-ever ski holiday as a child, and just look at you now - you're ski-crazy! If your mum is an avid skier or snowboarder and she's missing the mountains, here are some ways to bring the ski holiday back home for her special day.
Serve her favourite winter food
Any proper Mother's Day starts with breakfast in bed. Why not give it an Alpine touch this year? Spread out your best checkered cloth and prepare a delicious spread of kaiserschmarrn or apple strudel to start off the day. If she's healthy, maybe have her tuck into a plate of homemade Birchermuësli. In the evening, keep the mountain theme going with wiener schnitzel or Swiss cheese fondue... yum!

Give her the gift of winter sports
Even though ski season is over, it's never too early to start thinking about next winter's gear! Invest in a warm pair of skiing gloves or ski socks so she'll be comfortable on the slopes next year! Or, for an extra-personal touch, make her a photo album of the best family skiing pictures, print out a large-size photo and frame it, or get your favourite photo printed on a mug or phone case.

Start planning next year's ski holiday
Nothing makes a skier happier than planning a ski holiday (except the fact of actually going on one). It's March, but it's not too early to book for next year! In fact, this year in particular, the hotels and resorts will really appreciate it if you book early! Sit down with the family and start researching your favourite ski resorts. EasyJet tickets are already on sale for next winter! What are you waiting for?
Tell her how thankful you are
Mother's Day is designed for us to stop and take a moment to truly appreciate our mothers for everything they do - much of which we tend to take for granted. If your mum is responsible for taking you to the Alps year after year, investing in ski lessons and lift tickets and accommodation and flight tickets, just so that you could grow up with a love of skiing, then you should be doubly grateful to her - so let her know!