The world is going through a strange and difficult time. The coronavirus is rapidly gaining ground, affecting the way people around the world live their daily lives. Among other things, it's put a sudden stop to ski season. Thousands of skiers and snowboarders have had their ski holidays cancelled, and they're understandably disappointed. On social media we've received some negative reactions: "Why are you still posting this? The winter sports season is over!" And we understand the sentiment, especially for those of us who were looking forward to the "best week of the year" and have seen their dreams shattered. But we will keep writing about skiing, and we would like to explain why:
We've noticed through other reactions in social media that, now more than ever, people need to see lighter content, something to distract them from the heavy news that surrounds us. Just because we can't physically go to the Alps doesn't mean we need to stop being inspired and excited for our next winter sports holiday. Every year when ski season ends, we keep posting winter sports content throughout the summer. We will continue to do that now.
Sudden end to ski season
A few weeks ago, nobody would have predicted that ski season would end so abruptly. The first hit was Italy, which closed its lifts last Monday. This was not completely unexpected, given the severity of the coronavirus outbreak in the country, including in ski resorts. Thursday, March 12 saw Tyrol close its hotels and ski resorts, quickly followed by the rest of Austria. Switzerland and France held out a few days longer, but at the weekend they too threw in the towel. A necessary and useful measure for halting the spread of the coronavirus, but unfortunate for anyone who still had ski holidays planned this year, including many people on our team.
My husband works in a ski shop, meaning he can only take time off to ski at the end of the season. I personally can't complain, since I was regularly in the Alps for Snowplaza this year, but my husband's new snowboard and boots are sitting unused in the closet this year. This will be the first winter ever that he won't make it to the Alps. This is frustrating, but of course we understand that health is more important. Next year we have vowed to enjoy ski season even more to make up for it.

We love skiing and snowboarding - 12 months a year
Our editorial teams is comprised 100% of winter sports geeks, people who have a year-long obsession with skiing or snowboarding. Even in the summer, we're thinking 24/7 about snow and the mountains. For 20 years, our company has shared this passion with our readers, in winter as in summer. Of course, we adapt our content to the season and publish less in the summer months when ski season is over. We will do that now.
But what we would like to keep sharing is our love for winter sports. Even now, especially now. To relive our ski holidays with you, and celebrate everything we love about skiing and snowboarding. And also to give inspiration for next year's ski season, perhaps give ideas on where to go next winter. Because despite all the misery that's pervading the world right now, we want to keep looking ahead. With a bit of luck, by next year we will have surpassed these difficult times and we can look forward to another ski holiday. We're staying positive and we are optimistic that this coronavirus will be temporary, a crisis that we will overcome.
Supporting the winter sports industry
The coronavirus will have far-reaching effects on many industries, and we have yet to know the full consequences. The winter sports and hospitality industry has also been hit hard. Small businesses in the Alps who are dependent on the relatively short ski season have suddenly seen their lives turned upside-down. Hotels, restaurants, bars, ski resorts, and any company that's even indirectly linked to winter tourism have been shut down and have lost their source of income. In countries like Austria, almost all companies are directly or indirectly dependent on tourism. And this is why we're urging our readers not to forget about the ski industry just now. Send these companies a boost in morale by booking for next year, buy the skis you've been eyeing. And if you like reading about skiing and snowboarding, seeing beautiful pictures of the mountains and inspiring winter sports videos, then keep following us. We're also staying home as much as possible, but as always, our hearts are in the Alps and the snow.