All right, so we've just about had enough of the summer! It seems like ski season can't come fast enough. What wouldn't you give to have a day - nay, even an hour - to spend in the snow? Alas, for most of us this won't be possible for another few months yet. So we're bringing you the next-best thing: 8 pictures of snow, snow, snow to help you cool down!
#1. Cheers! Skiwasser just isn't the same if you're not in the Alps

#2. Bring me a foot of snow right now and I'll never again complain about scraping the car!

#3. Mouthwatering! Anybody know where they sell this in the UK?
#4. So ummm tonight I'll be sleeping in the snow...

#5. These people have died and gone to heaven
#6. Please please please can I take a snow shower?

#7. Only about 50°C colder than the current weather in London! #nbd

#8. Luckily, ski season is almost here...