Rating on Stubaital
Lovely ski day
Here you can read other traveller's reviews of the ski resorts in Stubaital. Before choosing a ski resort, it is really useful to read the experiences of other skiers and snowboarders to get an honest review of the resorts in Stubaital. The reviews may help you decide on the destination for your next ski holidays. Have you been to a ski resort in Stubaital? Then why not share your experiences with other skiers and snowboarders. Rate the ski resort on a scale of 1 to 10 and write a short review about Stubaital. Thank you for participating!
Lovely ski day
We spent a lovely day at Stubai Glacier. The ski area is ideal for families with children, with several steep slopes and several beginner slopes in the Gamsgarten area. Overall, the ski resort has beautiful wide slopes, is very snow-sure and has wonderful views. There is no other ski resort in Austria where you can ski on five glaciers, and this makes for a long ski season, as you can ski in spring or autumn as well.