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Afbeelding - Sölden Dorp
© Ötztal Tourismus - Isidor Nösig

Sölden reviews

Based on 7 reviews

Overview of Reviews for Sölden

Here you can read all the traveller's reviews for the ski resort of Sölden. Before choosing a resort, it is helpful to read other skiers' and snowboarders' experiences. These reviews can help you decide whether Sölden is the right resort for your next ski holidays. Have you ever been skiing in Sölden? Why not share your experiences with other skiers and snowboarders? Rate Sölden on a scale of 1 to 10 and write a review for the ski resort in Sölden & Oberstdorf to help others make the right choice for their ski holidays.

Visitors' reviews

  • 5 57%
  • 4 43%
  • 3 0%
  • 2 0%
  • 1 0%


7 reviews

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Overall rating
What did you do during your winter vacation
Who were you with on your winter holidays
Ski area rating
Cross-country skiing
Freeride / off-piste
Snowboard / freestyle
Rating Village
Families / children
Apres-ski / events
Winter hiking
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